Just A Small Wound
An ER visit for a minor hand wound that turned into emergency surgery.
Can You Drink Too Much Water?
With all the concern about hydrating enough, is it possible to overhydrate?
The Best Napping Duration
How long should your power naps be?
Ectopic Pregnancy
The facts behind this life-threatening condition.
When feeling flushed goes beyond a rise in body temperature.
Early Indicators of Thyroid Problems
Identifying early signs and symptoms of thyroid disorders.
An Unusual Cause of Dyspnea
The reasons behind difficulty breathing can be surprising.
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
The vascular condition where cold fingers and toes aren’t just from winter weather.
Stress Eating: An Emotional Blackhole
Stress and overeating can go hand in hand, but prevention is possible.
A Trip to Africa
The threat of malaria must be considered when traveling.