Meet AMT: Jenny E.

We interview our staff members for details on their EMS journey.

When/why did you first become interested in working in the EMS field?

I developed a passion for research-based medical writing from a course in college where I learned to simplify complex case studies into articles that anyone could understand. Beyond that, having basic medical knowledge is so useful in so many ways – whether it’s helping yourself with an injury or illness or helping others! Gaining EMT certification grew my confidence in being able to handle medical issues and especially injuries.

Tell us about your experience in the EMS field. What jobs have you had?

I’ve worked in EMS education for over 9 years now, starting out in student support and now at an executive level. I’ve seen a lot of change in that time, especially through the pandemic where online learning became much more common and adopted by far more EMS programs than ever before. How people learn in general has also changed a lot in that time – most of us would prefer a minute long social media video instead of a 60 minute live lecture! I’m really interested in understanding the needs of the modern learner and EMS professionals to figure out how to offer them education in a way that makes it engaging and interesting, and not just another box to check as part of being certified!

What is your favorite part about working for Allied Medical Training?

There is a culture at AMT of caring about how people learn, how to educate in a way that ensures the highest ability to perform life-saving skills, and a team effort that goes into ensuring high quality education! I also love that we are a company of pursuing innovation – as one of the first hybrid EMS programs in the country, we’re always working on finding the next best way to improve how EMS professionals learn!

If you could give advice to someone looking to become an EMT, what would you tell them?

Take the time to study, learn, and apply your skills throughout your training. You know you understand a concept when you can teach it to someone else. It’s not just about passing a course or passing an exam – it’s about learning the fundamentals of patient care since it’s ultimately about saving lives. The world would really be a better place if everyone had the medical knowledge and skills of an EMT – it would help us all care for each other so much more!

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Teleportation – traveling from place to place takes up way too much time!

Thanks, Jenny!

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Meet AMT: Jenny E.

We interview our staff members for details on their EMS journey.

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