Our Blog
Dive into medical and EMS topics, patient care experiences, and looking after your own health & wellness.
- Health & Wellness
Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Your Gums and Teeth Healthy for Optimal Oral Health
The Sweet Science of a Healthy Smile
- Meet AMT
Meet AMT: Jenny E.
We interview our staff members for details on their EMS journey.
- Diseases & Diagnoses
Breast Self-Exams: Be Aware of Your Health
An overview of how to perform a breast self-exam, how often, and why it’s such an important tool for health.
- Stories from the ED
“She’s Eating the Plants!”
A case study of the side effects from sleeping medication.
- Health & Wellness
Top Mindfulness and Stress-Relief Apps to Try
Keeping the Calm in Your Pocket
- Stories from the ED
A Case of Necrotizing Fasciitis in a Young Boy
A patient case study of flesh-eating bacteria, including signs and symptoms and treatment.
- Meet AMT
Meet AMT: Madeline L.
We interview our staff members for details on their EMS journey.
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