Death In The Air
It is odorless, has no taste, and you cannot see it. It is carbon monoxide (CO) and it is the leading cause of injury and death due to poison worldwide. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning often go unrecognized until it is too late because the typical early symptom – headache, dizziness, nausea, and irritability […]
The Mentally Impaired Patient: How Providers Can Help During A Crisis
As a healthcare professional, you’ve seen it all. You’ve responded to critical medical situations that would leave the average person paralyzed by panic and fear. Heart attacks, drug overdoses and life-threatening injuries – you’ve handled them all! Experience has made you competent, quick on your feet and an expert problem solver. What about the mentally […]
Communication and EMS: Autism Spectrum Disorder
People going into Emergency Medical Services are motivated by wanting to help others. We often focus on learning what to do and how to do it properly. Knowing the correct intervention does not help when you cannot communicate effectively with your patient. Understanding your patients’ perspectives will enhance your ability to provide treatment in a […]
Music and Studying: Does It Help?
Many people listen to music, especially with headphones on to create their own private little world. But is it a good idea to study while listening to music? The answer: it depends. There has been a lot of interest in this topic and quite a bit of relevant research. It depends on several factors: type […]
2017 State of the Program
It’s hard to believe that we are already coming up on our seventh year in business. The incredible journey began with just a few EMT classes as a new allied health program in 2010 to having graduated thousands of students in the last seven years. I’ve been proud to hear from many of our graduates […]
Demystifying the Minnesota EMT Refresher Requirements
Introduction Minnesota has adopted the NREMT’s National Continued Competency Plan (NCCP). Great, another acronym to remember. Whenever you see “NCCP,” think NREMT refresher requirements. The full NCCP is 40 hours, and those hours are broken down into 3 components: NCCR (national – 20 hours), ICCR (individual – 10 hours), and LCCR (local – 10 hours). […]
NREMT Interstate Compacts
When two or more states work out an agreement and sign that agreement into law, it’s called a compact. Every state has about two dozen of these compacts covering everything from education, taxes, and mental health, to rivers and parks. Compacts are the reason the driver’s license you received in your home state is valid […]
12 Lead EKG Interpretation Parameters
Here are the practical EKG parameters to remember when doing 12 lead EKG interpretation. EKG Measurements and Calibration The smallest box on the paper = 1 mm on all sides A big box containing 5 small boxes = 5 mm on all sides Measuring Time Time is measured horizontally 1 mm = 0.04 sec = 40 […]
Case Study: Post-Traumatic Headache
Case Presentation The patient is a 47 year old woman with a history of traumatic brain injury who complains of chronic daily headaches, described as a dull sensation brought on by sensory overload, stress, and changes in barometric pressure. The headaches can feel very sharp. They are localized to the area of her head injury […]
The Rise and Demise of Regional Medical Programs
The current state of Emergency Medical Systems (EMS) in the United States is one of strict guidelines and standardized education all under the umbrella of national and state organizations, as anyone who has gone through training understands. Of course, EMS was not always this organized. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) was founded […]