Meet AMT: Aaron H.

We interview our staff members for details on their EMS journey.

When/why did you first become interested in working in the EMS field?

I initially decided to get NREMT certified while I was doing post-bacc pre-med studies in an effort to boost my med school applications and achieve the required patient care hours. Even after I chose not to pursue med school, I realized how dynamic the EMS field can be and how valuable the NREMT certification can be in opening up doors to multiple career paths, so I continue maintaining my certification and teach EMT skills for Allied.

Tell us about your experience in the EMS field. What jobs have you had?

Surprisingly, I’m not currently a practicing EMT. I just teach for Allied, but I feel my full time job with Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office has really provided me with the experience and knowledge of anatomy, trauma, and disease to be able to convey how pathophysiology and mechanism of injury are relative to EMS in a way that not many people can.

What is the most rewarding part about working in EMS?

Beyond the greatest reward of saving lives and serving the community, I believe the most rewarding aspect of EMS is the sharing of knowledge. The medical field, in general, is always developing and advancing, coming up with better methods to save lives. I enjoy being a part of that, learning new methods and techniques, and passing that knowledge on to colleagues and new EMTs.

What is your favorite part about working for Allied Medical Training?

I really enjoy meeting the students and getting to know them. I like to learn about what they do, understand why they want to be an EMT and what they plan to do with the certification. Everyone has career goals, and I like to understand those goals so I can tailor my instruction to them in a way that is relevant to their goals. It’s also really rewarding to see a light turn on in a student’s brain when a difficult concept or method finally makes sense to them.

If you could give advice to someone looking to become an EMT, what would you tell them?

Firstly, be ready for a commitment. Achieving NREMT certification is not easy. It requires a lot of commitment to studying and hands-on practice. Then once you get certified it requires yearly continuing education to stay certified. Beyond that, remember self-care. EMTs work long hours and are subject to a lot of traumatic sights and situations. It’s really important to take care of yourself both mentally and physically because if you can’t care for yourself, you won’t be able to care for others.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

I think I’d like to have the power of foresight. I think it would be amazing to see how our present day choices and actions affect future events.I also wouldn’t complain if I could predict a few winning lottery numbers as well!

Thanks, Aaron!

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